Mastering the Everyman Archetype: Rise Above the Ordinary

The Everyman archetype represents the average, ordinary person. This archetype values belonging, fitting in, and connecting with others.

Research shows the Everyman is one of the most relatable archetypes. A survey found 87% of participants said they identified with Everyman character traits

Key Takeaways 📈 🔥

  • The Relatability of the Everyman Archetype: The Everyman Archetype symbolizes the average individual, emphasizing relatability and a desire for belonging. Hollywood has showcased this archetype in characters like Peter Parker (Spider-Man) and Jim Halpert from “The Office.”
  • Brands and the Everyman Connection: Marketers harness the Everyman Archetype to bridge the gap between brands and consumers. By tapping into shared values and experiences, brands can foster inclusivity and resonate with a broader audience, emphasizing commonalities.
  • Discovering the Everyman’s Essence: The Everyman Archetype embodies the average person, focusing on relatability, humility, and community. Brands that align with this archetype can create authentic connections, emphasizing shared struggles and triumphs.
  • Traits Defining the Everyman Brand: Brands under the Everyman Archetype prioritize relatability, simplicity, and practicality. Examples include Levi’s, known for its universal appeal, and IKEA, which emphasizes affordability and functionality. These brands resonate by highlighting everyday experiences and the value of community.
  • Challenges of Embracing the Everyman: While the Everyman Archetype can foster strong connections, brands face the challenge of maintaining uniqueness without becoming too generic. There’s also a risk of oversimplifying or perpetuating stereotypes, which may alienate certain consumer segments.
  • Crafting a Brand Identity with the Everyman: To harness the Everyman Archetype effectively, brands should emphasize shared experiences, inclusivity, and belonging. This involves showcasing real-life scenarios and relatable content, ensuring authenticity in messaging, and promoting community values.
  • Integrating the Everyman in Marketing & PR: Adopting the Everyman Archetype in marketing requires a holistic approach. Brands should infuse its qualities into campaigns, engage with relevant media outlets, and align narratives with the archetype’s perspective. This helps establish a consistent brand identity that resonates deeply with the audience.
  • The Everyman’s Broader Influence: Embracing the Everyman Archetype allows brands to create strong emotional bonds with consumers. By leveraging its traits across campaigns and communications, brands can foster loyalty, ensuring long-term success by resonating with the values and aspirations of the everyday person.

This archetype represents the everyday person with a sense of relatability and an innate desire to belong. Over the years, Hollywood has witnessed the rise of this archetype type in different forms. One example is Peter Parker’s role as Spider-Man and Jim Halpert of The Office.

Adopting archetypes like the Everyman is not limited to literature and film; marketers have recognized these timeless characters’ power. By tapping into these archetypes, companies forge a deeper connection with their customers, bridging the gap between brand and consumer through shared values and experiences. The Everyman Archetype allows brands to foster a sense of inclusivity and relatability, appealing to the masses by emphasizing the common ground we all share.

Aligning to a customer archetype has proven a powerful approach for engaging with consumers. Brands have found that embodying the Everyman can create authentic connections with their customers, who see themselves reflected in the brand’s identity.

Discovering the Everyman Archetype

The Everyman Archetype represents the average “Jane,” embodying relatability, humbleness, and a desire to belong. When aligned with brand marketing and public relations, the Everyman Archetype is a powerful tool for forging connections with consumers, as it taps into shared values, experiences, and a sense of belonging.

The Everyman Archetype represents the average "Jane," embodying relatability, humbleness, and a desire to belong.

Why is this important?

Understanding the Everyman Archetype is crucial for brands aiming to create authentic and meaningful connections with their customers. By embracing this archetype, marketers can effectively convey their message to many individuals who identify with the typical person’s struggles and triumphs.

Conversely, if brands ignore archetypes, they risk missing out on the opportunity to communicate their values and aspirations effectively, potentially alienating consumers and hindering the growth of a loyal customer base.

Traits of the Everyman Brand Archetype

The Everyman Brand Archetype possesses distinct characteristics and traits, which, when successfully implemented, foster an authentic connection with consumers. One of the most defining traits of Everyman Archetype brands is reliability.

The brands embracing this archetype aim to be approachable and down-to-earth, striking a chord with the average person. They strive to create a sense of familiarity, often focusing on simplicity, honesty, and practicality in their products and messaging.

did you know?

Traits of the Everyman archetype include accepting, compassionate, content, empathetic, grounded, hard-working, humble, kind, and relatable.

Examples of the Everyman Archetype

One example of a brand that embodies the Everyman Archetype is Levi’s, which has built its reputation on creating reliable clothing that appeals to most people. Their marketing campaigns emphasize the universality of their products, showcasing how Levi’s jeans are suitable for various situations and easily fit into their customers’ daily lives.

Another brand that embraces the Everyman Archetype is IKEA. Known for its affordable and practical furniture designs, IKEA appeals to many consumers who value simplicity and functionality. As a result, their campaigns often showcase everyday people in familiar settings, highlighting the ease and accessibility of their products.

Furthermore, the company’s unwavering focus on providing affordable products has solidified its status as the top pick for several audiences. This solidifies its reputation as a brand that caters to the average “Jane.”

  • Brand Promise: Embracing relatability and connection. Celebrates the ordinary and champions the power of community.
  • Brand Voice: Genuine, down-to-earth, and approachable. Embodies the values of authenticity, humility, and shared experiences.
  • Brand Fears: Alienation, disconnection, loss of relatability, and becoming detached from the everyday experiences of their audience.

These examples demonstrate how brands can embody the Everyman Archetype by emphasizing relatability, simplicity, and practicality. By aligning with this archetype, they can create an authentic connection with consumers who recognize and appreciate their commitment to the values and aspirations of the everyday person.

Overcoming Everyman Archetype Challenges

Despite the potential benefits of embracing the Everyman Archetype brands, companies may face particular challenges in adopting this approach. For brands, one of the primary concerns is finding a balance between being relatable and maintaining a unique identity. When brands become too generic, they lose their distinctiveness and identity. This makes it difficult to differentiate themselves from competitors.

From the consumer’s point of view, a potential challenge with the Everyman Archetype is the risk of oversimplification. Some brands may unintentionally ignore the subtleties of certain consumers when trying to relate to everyone. This can create a disconnect between the brand’s message and consumer expectations.

The Everyman Archetype may be criticized for perpetuating stereotypes or creating a narrow view of what it means to be an “everyday person.” Some may argue that the archetype doesn’t fully account for the diversity and individuality of people, potentially alienating those who do not identify with the archetype’s typical traits. To address this concern, brands need to ensure that their representation of the Everyman remains inclusive and sensitive to their target audience’s various backgrounds and identities.

To navigate these challenges, companies embracing the Everyman Archetype brands must maintain their distinctiveness while promoting a sense of relatability. This might involve highlighting the unique features or values that set the brand apart, even as they appeal to shared experiences and common ground.

Shaping Your Brand with the Everyman

Brands seeking to harness the power of the Everyman Archetype must first identify and understand the traits and characteristics that define this archetype. These qualities include relatability, humility, and a focus on practicality and simplicity. Once these traits have been identified, marketers can use them to shape their brand’s identity and messaging, effectively attracting customers with similar values and characteristics.

did you know?

Everyman brands commonly use the colors blue, red, and brown in their marketing. These colors convey dependability, quality, ruggedness, and comfort.

Consumer Appeal

To appeal to consumers who identify with the Everyman Archetype, brands should craft messaging emphasizing shared experiences, inclusivity, and a sense of belonging. By highlighting these aspects, companies can foster a connection with their audience that transcends superficial preferences and taps into deeper emotional bonds. This can be achieved by showcasing real-life scenarios, relatable struggles, and everyday joys that resonate with many consumers.

Furthermore, brands need to maintain authenticity and honesty in their messaging. Consumers who identify with the Everyman Archetype value transparency and genuine connections, and they are likely to be more receptive to brands that demonstrate integrity and openness in their communication. This might involve using straightforward language, avoiding excessive jargon, and focusing on the practical benefits of their products or services.

Brand Messaging

In crafting brand messaging, marketers should also consider the importance of community and collaboration. The Everyman Archetype is grounded in belonging and togetherness, so brands that can convey a sense of unity and mutual support will likely resonate with this audience. This can be achieved through collaborative initiatives, highlighting customer stories, and showcasing how the brand’s products or services contribute to the collective good.

Everyman Archetypes in Marketing & PR

Integrating the Everyman Archetype into a brand communication strategy involves a comprehensive approach encompassing brand campaigns, public relations efforts, and executive communications. By leveraging the traits and characteristics associated with this archetype, companies can create compelling and resonant messaging that resonates with their target audience.

An Omnichannel Approach

In brand campaigns, marketers can integrate the Everyman Archetype by infusing its qualities into creative elements, such as scripts, storylines, and visual design. Hiring talent that embodies the archetype’s relatable and down-to-earth attributes will also help bring campaigns to life. By crafting campaigns emphasizing simplicity, authenticity, and real-life experiences, brands can forge a strong emotional connection with their audience.

Regarding public relations efforts, incorporating the Everyman Archetype requires a strategic approach that aligns brand narratives with the archetype’s perspective. This involves crafting pitches highlighting relatable stories and showcasing the brand’s commitment to inclusivity and community values. Additionally, identifying the most relevant media outlets and partnering with organizations with similar values can result in earned media coverage that reinforces the brand’s Everyman image.

Integrating the Everyman Archetype into executive communications is another crucial aspect of a holistic marketing strategy. Executives can be activated as thought leaders by speaking about issues that align with the archetype’s values, such as community engagement, transparency, and accessibility.

Also, launching “social first” campaigns to share insights, personal stories, and opinions on relevant topics will further strengthen the connection between the brand and its audience.

Video Summary

Wrap-Up: The Everyman Archetype

The Everyman Archetype embodies relatable, down-to-earth qualities that make a brand accessible and approachable to its audience. With its focus on simplicity and authenticity, this archetype can be essential in building a strong connection with consumers who value community and inclusivity.

Characteristics of the Everyman Brand Archetype include humility, sincerity, and a genuine concern for the well-being of others. Brands embracing this archetype often project an image of being dependable and reliable, focusing on providing practical solutions that resonate with their consumers’ everyday lives. By showcasing relatability and shared experiences, Everyman brands can foster a sense of belonging and loyalty among their customers.

did you know?

Industries most aligned with the Everyman archetype include everyday apparel, home goods, family products, comfort food, and mainstream automotive brands.

However, challenges may arise when adopting the Everyman Archetype for a brand. Companies must ensure their messaging remains genuine and does not come across as pandering or inauthentic. Furthermore, balancing relatability and differentiation is essential to avoid blending in with competitors and losing the brand’s unique identity.

To effectively use the Everyman Archetype in defining a brand, marketers should incorporate its traits and characteristics into brand campaigns, public relations efforts, and executive communications. By crafting campaigns emphasizing simplicity, authenticity, and real-life experiences, brands can forge a strong emotional connection with their audience.

Integrating the Everyman Archetype brands in marketing and PR involves a comprehensive approach encompassing various touchpoints. This includes infusing the archetype’s qualities into creative elements, identifying the most relevant media outlets, and aligning brand narratives with the archetype’s perspective. Furthermore, activating executives as thought leaders and leveraging social media to share insights and opinions on relevant topics can further strengthen the connection between the brand and its audience.

In summary, understanding and embracing the Everyman Archetype can provide significant advantages for brands seeking to create strong emotional connections with their consumers. By leveraging the archetype’s traits and characteristics across brand campaigns, public relations, and executive communications, companies can establish a consistent and resonant brand identity that fosters deep emotional connections with their audience, increasing brand loyalty and long-term success.


What is an Everyman archetype?

The Everyman archetype represents the average individual, emphasizing relatability, humility, and a desire to belong. It embodies the typical person’s experiences, struggles, and triumphs, aiming to resonate with a broad audience by highlighting shared values and experiences.

What are Everyman Archetype examples in literature?

One example of the Everyman archetype in literature is Bilbo Baggins from “The Hobbit.” Bilbo is nothing special and doesn’t have any powers. Yet, he is thrust into an adventure, representing the relatable, humble qualities typical of this archetype.

What are the Everyman Archetype colors?

The colors often associated with the Everyman archetype are earthy, muted beige, brown, and gray. These colors represent a sense of groundedness, practicality, and simplicity.

What is an example of the Everyman Archetype in movies?

A notable example of the Everyman archetype in movies is Tom Hanks’s portrayal of Chuck Noland in “Cast Away.” Chuck, a FedEx executive, becomes stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash and must learn to survive with only his wits and resourcefulness, embodying the Everyman’s struggle to adapt and persevere in an unfamiliar environment.

Michael Brito

Michael Brito is a Digital OG. He’s been building brands online since Al Gore invented the Internet. You can connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter.